Tips for using Flash efficiently on DevCon

It was some time ago, but looks like I forgot to mention this event here.
So, Adobe asked me to get my “Efficient Adobe Flash Professional using” post to make the Developer Connection article based on it (thanks to Thibault Imbert!). I agreed of course) After some iterations of work on the DevCon article with great people from Adobe, it was released on 29 August 2011!
You could check it out here:

Also, I was informed by Edward Sullivan (Product Manager from Adobe) today I won the Adobe Cookbook competition! This news are really exiting for me, thank you, Adobe, once again!)

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Efficient Adobe Flash Professional using

Working with Adobe Flash Professional you should consider about performance and culture of the content you’re creating.
After some docs reading and co-workers listening, I came to this: I should collect and keep most common and useful “authoring-in-Flash Pro” rules in one place to help with efficient content creating. To make your knowledge of this topic even deeper – consider reading completely all links at the end of this post.
These rules will be useful for the Flash Animators and Flash Designers first of all, developers should know some rules too though.

Completely compatible with Flash Pro CS5.5 and not completely with earlier versions.

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Article about flash security

Just posted my article about flash security in the Russian. Sorry, I’ve no English version – maybe I’ll translate it someday…

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