Upcoming sessions short overview

With this Autumn comes time of some great Events around Flash platform. I’ll try to share with you my favorite (as Flash developer and enthusiast) sessions, labs and speeches from the upcoming conferences Flash on the Beach (FOTB), Unite Flash Day, and, of cource, Adobe MAX.

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“Use imported JPEG data” in the Flash Pro

Hi, readers & friends!
Information below will be useful for the Adobe Flash Professional users.

To achieve a satisfying balance between file size and quality of images in your Flash Pro project, you should tune the compression settings for every image you have in your project. As you could know, compression setting could be tuned via the “Bitmap Properties” dialog available from the library image context menu.
So, in case of JPEG images compression, Flash Pro could put JPEG images into SWF without recompressing (use original JPEG) or recompressing them with a custom quality.
Some time ago I searched the web for the clear explanation in which cases Flash Pro offers to use original JPEG (“Use imported JPEG data” option button) and in which – recompress it (“Use publish settings”) to code the original JPEG using detect rule in my XFLTool. Unfortunately, I didn’t find what I searched for, so I asked guys from Adobe about this and got a really clear and fast answer!
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Efficient Adobe Flash Professional using

Working with Adobe Flash Professional you should consider about performance and culture of the content you’re creating.
After some docs reading and co-workers listening, I came to this: I should collect and keep most common and useful “authoring-in-Flash Pro” rules in one place to help with efficient content creating. To make your knowledge of this topic even deeper – consider reading completely all links at the end of this post.
These rules will be useful for the Flash Animators and Flash Designers first of all, developers should know some rules too though.

Completely compatible with Flash Pro CS5.5 and not completely with earlier versions.

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Alternativa3D 7 mouse intersection without mouse movement tip

Hi! If you’re foced to avoid mouse movement, but still have to find mouse intersection with a some object (e.g. if moves only object), here is a quick tip:

//place this code to the EnterFrame or Timer event handler
var origin:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
var direction:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
var concatenatedMatrix:Matrix3D;
var rayData:RayIntersectionData;

_camera.calculateRay(origin, direction, mouseX, mouseY);

// _containerSurface - object to intersect
concatenatedMatrix = _containerSurface.concatenatedMatrix;
origin = concatenatedMatrix.transformVector(origin);
direction = concatenatedMatrix.deltaTransformVector(direction);

rayData = _containerSurface.intersectRay(origin, direction);
if (rayData)
  // just highlighting intersected face
  rayData.face.material = new FillMaterial(0xFF0000);

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FlashDevelop as3 syntax coloring scheme

Hi, this is a syntax coloring scheme I use in my daily work in the FlashDevelop IDE:

It greatly saves my eyes all day, hope you’ll like it too.
Its based on one another coloring scheme, but I don’t remember it’s author unfortunately 🙁

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