Hey guys!
I’m totally late to the party, but I promised few people to make a blog post on my Level 11 FREE experience, so here is it.
I’ll try to be short.
My Advanced FPS Counter was selected for the September’15 Level 11 and got to the FREE section.
I’ve asked for Level 11 free in the sales sign up form, so it’s was my initiative to go for the Level 11 FREE, I just wished to try it, to see how it will affect my sales, etc.
And here are my observations now, after 2.5 months since my participation start.
My normal average sales of the AFPSCounter are ~26 copies per month.
Level 11 FREE involvement guarantees some compensation from the Unity side. They say it’s an average of your last 3 months or $250 minimum.
I’ve been paid $340,00 USD, which is really nice, since I often make less than this from this plugin.
So, you’re not going to giveaway your plugin in Level 11 FREE and get no money for this, you’re actually paid by the Unity Technologies directly.
In september, I had 3315 copies downloaded by the Level 11 customers (people with pro license or paid subscription) and 41 copies sold to the people who has no access to the Level 11!

To sum up, I’ve got $340 from Unity and $287 from regular sells, very good results.
Level 11 FREE helped my plugin to show up on main page and to top the own category charts, leading to even more visibility.
It lead to the new reviews, new customers, new ratings.
October brought 36 more downloads somehow and 36 sold copies, still higher than my average.

November so far goes more likely as usual, 12 copies sold at the moment when I write this (which extrapolates to the average of 24 to the end of the month).
My participation in Level 11 FREE with one of my plugins didn’t seem to affect both of my other plugins, at least I can’t see it in sale numbers.
Level 11 FREE allows you to get maximum visibility and lots of new customers. Most of them will download your asset just to keep it in their arsenal though.
Some of them will try your product and leave reviews, bug reports and other feedback, which is also very important.
You’ll not lose anything from the Level 11 FREE participation, but you’ll get much – maximum visibility, extra sells to the non-Level 11 people, extra money from Unity Technologies, new reviews, ratings, new feedback and lots of potential customers.
Level 11 FREE is a best option for the new assets, it’s a quick rocket launch for them.
But don’t expect much from it if you have mature asset with good reputation and lots of existing customers.
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